English to Hungarian Meaning of impersonate - megszemélyesít

Impersonate :

testesítik, reinkarnálódik, megszemélyesít, megtestesült, megtestesít, megvalósul, tárgyiasít, külsőségek alapján ítél, kivetít, képvisel, törvény

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Definitions of impersonate in English
Verb(1) assume or act the character of(2) represent another person with comic intentions(3) pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions
Examples of impersonate in English
(1) If anyone uses similar handles or tries to impersonate someone in a similar vain I will be forced to take similar action.(2) it's a very serious offense to impersonate a police officer(3) However hard he tried to impersonate someone who is happy with his lot in life, disillusionment and disappointment punctuated his every sentence.(4) A great mimic of voice and gesture, he could impersonate anyone: rich, poor, male, female, elder, youth.(5) He claimed the KGB got revenge by sending one of their spies to Scotland to impersonate him, copying his style of dress, with orders to behave disgracefully to get him into trouble.(6) it's a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer(7) If someone was to impersonate him, what does he think they would latch on to?(8) I still don't get impressions or impersonations .(9) The multi-talented multi-ethnic group of seven men sings, dances, plays instruments and does impressions and impersonations .(10) She cried real tears instead when the landlord walked in just as I was impersonating him though and immediately threw us out onto the street.(11) No, the modern torch-holders of Elvis' legacy are the scores of Elvis impersonators whose vaudevillian snarls and gyrations have nearly completely supplanted the real thing in the public consciousness.(12) Again, I have had absolutely nothing to do with the guy and feel terrible that he's impersonating me.(13) But all I did was make my impersonation of Bruno more caricatured - put the onus on her to work this out.(14) My ideal Elvis 2000 would be a huge convention of Elvis impersonators , maybe 2000 of them, in some vast stadium, doing Mystery Train - for themselves, and for love, the way amateurs ought to do it.(15) Nan's burlesque new world of male impersonators , rent boy/girls and sinister socialites is rendered as a heavenly hell of melodrama, where a jealous cat-fight on a dancefloor is framed by flames from a sizzling steak.(16) The worst thing is that, because we're all impersonators , because we've all found angles into the characters, we're all starting to impersonate one another's characters.
1. imitate ::
2. portray ::
3. personate ::
Different Forms
impersonate, impersonated, impersonates, impersonating
English to Hungarian Dictionary: impersonate

Meaning and definitions of impersonate, translation in Hungarian language for impersonate with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of impersonate in Hungarian and in English language.

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